Saved. - 4s delay, see dt3-utils.js near bottom
Error. - 4s delay, see dt3-utils.js near bottom

To hold the Mastery of Morphian Muses, our users (or Morphians) are to be the change we want to see in the world by helping as many others be that change through the O.M. Plans Personal Development Platform of informational online plans and to follow these seven guiding rules for being a Morphian.

  1. You have a mind, body and soul, which must be nurtured by you through loving yourself and loving others.
  2. You will always learn and teach, thereby empowering yourself and others to be the change, see the change, and change the world.
  3. You will encourage, nurture, support and help deliver the maximum change to each Morphian, while knowing these same elements will be delivered to you.
  4. You will love all things in the way they want to be loved, beginning with yourself.
  5. You will eliminate all negative barriers and act with cooperation, empathy, love and acceptance, as there are no limitations imposed by others onto you.
  6. Understand the world is beyond you, as there are others, our planet and the universe who need to be loved.
  7. You will be cognizant of the footprints left, as each step is a lesson.